Ecocoach installs sustainable energy solution in retirement home
Brunnen/Soest - Ecocoach has equipped the Senior Center St. Antonius in the German town of Soest with a comprehensive energy solution. Cutting-edge technology helps to significantly cut carbon emissions, in addition to securing a reliable energy supply and bringing the retirement home a step closer to energy autonomy.
(CONNECT) Ecocach has implemented a comprehensive and sustainable energy solution at the Senior Center St. Antonius in Soest, a town located in the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia. To this end, the company from Brunnen in the canton of Schwyz, Switzerland, worked with local specialists for technical building equipment from Hubert Niewels GmbH. According to a press release issued by ecocoach, they installed a system which integrates cutting-edge technologies with the aim of securing a reliable energy supply at the same time as significantly reducing the carbon footprint of the retirement home.
The components include two natural gas cogeneration plants, which according to the information allow for an efficient mix of electricity and thermal power. Moreover, several photovoltaic systems have been installed on the intricate rooftops of the senior center. These provide a peak capacity of 99 kilowatts peak and, according to ecocoach, blend harmoniously into the historic townscape.
The 65 kilowatt-hour battery storage system paired with the ecoEnergyCoach energy management system from ecocoach enables energy flows to be optimally controlled. Excess solar power is stored before being used as and when needed. This represents a major step in the direction of energy autonomy. In the event of a power outage, the ecoEnergyCoach automatically takes control and switches the cogeneration plants from heat to electricity generation.
This energy management system combines “maximum efficiency with cost-effective appeal”, ecocoach states. The Senior Center St. Antonius demonstrates how “climate protection goes hand in hand with security”. As the institution responsible for administering the retirement home, Caritas Elderly Care Erzbistum Paderborn GmbH, sums up, the partnership with ecocoach has “shown us how innovative technologies can create real value”. ce/mm