Quidgest releases new guide to hybrid generative AI

Lisbon - Hybrid generative Artificial Intelligence can help manage employees, refine logistics, conduct research and development, and improve a host of other complex operations, according to Quidgest. The developer of the generative AI platform Genio published a guide entitled “Empower All Your Business Areas with Hybrid Generative AI.”

Portuguese tech leader Quidgest has issued a practical guide to empower organizations with Hybrid generative AI.

The Lisbon-based developer of the platform Genio, Quidgest recently published a new practical guide, “Empower All Your Business Areas with Hybrid Generative AI,” that explains how organizations can use the technology to gain sustainable competitive advantage in ten areas, an October 28 press release said. The guide reflects insights that Quidgest has discovered as a one-stop shop for management software and leveraging hybrid generative AI in businesses in numerous industries and sectors. 

“The ideas presented provide the best solutions for fundamental issues in the digital economy, including sustainable competitive advantages, adaptation to future developments, and explicit representation of business processes,” said Quidgest Co-Founder and Senior Partner João Paulo Carvalho.

Hybrid generative AI includes symbolic AI, which uses logic and rule-based systems to mimic human reasoning, and neuronal AI, which intuitively processes data to generate new ideas, like the human brain’s neural network.

The guide demonstrations how Hybrid generative AI can optimize talent management processes, including recruitment automation to personalized training plans; enhances visibility, traceability, and optimization in logistics and supply chains; and considers how can make firms’ IT environment more agile and adaptable, promoting research and development.

It also shows how AI facilitates financial management, including reporting and analysis; analyzes procurement to find efficiencies: revolutionizes document archives and related processes; customizes core operations; strengthen sales; improves auditing; and fosters strategizing.

“Empower All Your Business Areas with Hybrid Generative AI” is available in print and digital formats. ce/jd